稻香海鮮酒家承蒙各界人士多年惠顧及支持,本酒家創于2007年,以 色 香 味 俱全為首,保存粵菜傳統飲食文化。在稻香海鮮酒家,你可以品嚐到特選優質食材精心炮製的經典粵式美食,高級舒適的就餐環境和溫暖周到的服務體驗。
Star House Chinese Restaurant has been grateful for the patronage and support of people from all walks of life over the years. Star House Chinese Restaurant established in 2007, our restaurant is known for its exceptional color, flavor, and taste, preserving the traditional culinary culture of Cantonese cuisine. At Star House, you can savor classic Cantonese dishes meticulously prepared with selected high-quality ingredients, in a high-end, comfortable dining environment, and experience warm, attentive service.
We are always here to help you . For any kind of issue or confusion and if you want to know more about our service, then contact us.
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08 8221 6303